Alkaloid Raw Materials (ARM)
Our world-class high capacity extraction and manufacturing site and agricultural innovation has positioned us as the largest producer of Thebaine and natural Codeine globally.
Our facility has been set up to meet strict Pharmaceutical standards and is supported by mature best practice Quality Management, EHS and Process Safety Management systems, and has a demonstrated history of meeting the highest regulatory standards.
We produce and offer a number of “alkaloid raw materials” in the form of concentrated poppy straw. These are extracted from our patented poppy “Papaver somniferum” chemotypes
Thebaine is an ideal starting material for many pain-relieving and abuse deterrent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s). Thebaine is extracted from high yielding poppy straw produced by Extractas Bioscience’s globally patented high thebaine poppy variety. Extractas Bioscience also offers a technical grade of this product.
Normally produced synthetically, Extractas Bioscience’s globally patented high codeine poppy variety has positioned Extactas Bioscience as the world’s largest producer of naturally sourced Codeine, the ideal starting material for the most widely used alkaloid-based pain relief medication, Codeine phosphate.
Oripavine is an alkaloid raw material most widely used to produce the Nal family of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API’s) such as Naloxone and Naltrexone, important abuse deterrent pharmaceuticals produced globally.
Extractas Bioscience is one of the world’s largest producers of Noscapine, an alkaloid which is primarily used for its antitussive (cough-suppressing) effects.
Our Services
Our Core Expertise
Our high quality ARM product offering is a result of our core expertise.

Extractas Bioscience’s success is rooted in its culture of continual innovation. Our in-house agricultural and chemical R&D capabilities continue to enable the flexibility and agility required to adapt to changing market needs. These teams have developed an extensive portfolio of intellectual property supported by global patents.

Breeding & Cultivation
Tasmania’s microclimatic conditions provide a reliable and quality-driven secure supply chain ensuring the ideal natural environment for cultivating poppies. The success of our “factory in the field” strategy is born from the partnership nurtured between our Grower base, their highly productive land, and our Agricultural support team – delivering specific compounds, increased yield and highest quality. Underpinning our advances in crop performance is our proven non-GM R&D strategies and resulting innovative elite varietals.

Extraction & Purification
Our ARM extraction capacity is unrivalled. Our facility is capable of producing in excess of 250 tonnes of ARM products. Our production processes have been designed to consistent produce high purity, low impurity products, which can be tailored to meet our Customer’s needs.

Analytical & Regulatory Support
Our ARM products are supported by fully validated analytical methods and comprehensive technical packages. We are able to provide our customers with the necessary Analytical Standards. The regulatory support offered to our Customers is unsurpassed, with comprehensive DMF and dossier information available.
Working With Us
Quality Standards
We work to the highest standards –with extensive GMP experience and capabilities. We have supplied products for the pharmaceutical industry into Europe, USA and Asia, and have a long successful audit history and compliance record with the EDQM, PMDA and TGA and extensive logistical and regulatory experience meeting the requirements of the INCB, DEA and ODC.
Customer Support
Through our highly skilled and experienced workforce we consider ourselves experts across R&D, Regulatory Affairs, Analytical and Engineering, to the mutual benefit of our customers and partners. From the supply of analytical standards, through to providing “plug and play” regulatory dossier sections, our customer support sets us apart from other suppliers.
On Site R&D Teams
Extractas Bioscience is a progressive fully integrated research company which seeks to continuously innovate. Innovation encompasses all activities from agricultural, analytical, manufacturing and equipment selection. This enables Extractas Bioscience to provide customers world class service from seed to high quality innovative products.
We are privileged to have our base in Tasmania surrounded by world-renowned pristine natural beauty, rich soils and the ability to produce exceptional medicinal products. Driven by leadership and top-level commitment, strong values and ethics deeply embedded in the company’s culture, our sustainability strategy is integrated throughout all functions, operations, business activities and stakeholder interactions.
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