Extractas Bioscience aims to be an accepted and valued part of the community in which we operate. In addition to our factory at Westbury that employs approximately 140 people, we are active in most parts of Tasmania, via our business relationships with growers of our poppy crop. We support a range of local activities and charities in accordance with our company values.
In the Community
Extractas Bioscience are proud supporters of the Westbury Primary School Instrumental Band Program.

University of Tasmania Scholarships
Tasmanian Alkaloids, now trading as Extractas Bioscience, has been supporting scholarships at the University of Tasmania since 2000. We offer three scholarships supporting students from the north-west and study in science teaching and chemistry.
- Brian Hartnett Scholarship in Science Teaching
- Tasmanian Alkaloids Honours Scholarship in Chemistry
- Tasmanian Alkaloids West North-West Bursary
Our association with the University has encouraged students from around the world to qualify in their chosen discipline. If you are interested in a Tasmanian Alkaloids Scholarship at the University of Tasmania, please contact the Scholarships and Prizes office at University of Tasmania:
Phone: 1300 826 663 Email: U.Connect@utas.edu.au